
Introduction: Superhumans are a group of special life forms. Their genes have undergone unknown mutations, endowing them with special abilities beyond ordinary life forms. These abilities run the gamut from mind reading to substance manipulation, bringing with them enormous advantages and responsibilities.

Appearance: Espers are similar in appearance to their original race, but they may display some distinctive traits when using their powers, such as eye color changes or a specific glow from their bodies.

Physical structure: Their nervous system is much more complex than that of ordinary creatures, allowing them to generate and control superpowers. Their brains have also undergone some kind of evolution, giving them more advanced cognitive abilities.

Perception: In addition to their regular senses, some psychics have additional sensory abilities, such as sensing the emotions of others or telepathy.

Technology: Although they are born with superpowers, some superhumans have developed technology to enhance or control their abilities. This may include special devices, medicines, or training methods.

Culture: Their culture is primarily focused on the exploration and understanding of their abilities. They often set up schools and institutions to teach young espers how to control and use their abilities. For those who choose to disclose their abilities, they often become social guardians or mentors.

Learning: People with superpowers are constantly exploring the limits and potential of their abilities, and they yearn to better understand and control their abilities.

Interaction: Due to their abilities, superhumans may be defensive when interacting with other beings, but they also understand the importance of unity, especially when facing a common threat.

Adaptation: Based on their abilities, people with superpowers can quickly adapt to new environments and situations, but they often need to face society’s fears and misunderstandings about their abilities.