Chapter 7

Eye of Time

In Chronos, Reina, cassius and Liana finally found the legendary eye of time. It is located in a mysterious place, surrounded by an area with a faint light, just like the gatekeeper of time. However, when they face this eye of time, they also have to face the rules and costs directly.

The essence of rules lies in balance, and this balance is at the expense of the soul. The eye of time is endowed with the ability to spy on time, but it also requires different costs to show the truth of the past or the future. To observe the future, we need to offer the soul of a child, which represents the future and hope of life. To go back to the past, we must offer the soul of an old man, symbolizing the accumulation of years and the secret of experience.

This rule, like an ancient mirror, reflects the trajectory of time, but it also sets a difficult choice for the viewer. Facing the distortion of time, the three men fell into deep thinking. They must seriously consider whether they are willing to give up the future of a child or the precious memories of an old man. This is not only a test between life and death, but also a spiritual and moral challenge.

Reina, cassius and Liana’s faces are full of contradictory emotions. They feel the mysterious power of the eye of time and understand the danger and cost. On this mysterious planet, they stand on the edge of human limit, trying to explore the mystery of identity, but also bear unpredictable consequences for their decisions. This test is not only a test of their faith and courage, but also an endless reflection on time and destiny.

Under the torture of time, the three people began to think about how they would choose, and what decision they would make in the face of this mysterious and costly eye of time. Is there a smarter way to reveal the truth without hurting the balance of the soul? All the answers are hidden in the depths of the eye of time, waiting for their courage and determination to uncover. This test makes them not only face themselves, but also face the secrets of the universe, meet the unknown journey, and become more determined to explore the truth.

Just as they were hesitating, the injured Kane suddenly appeared in front of them. His appearance made the whole scene more tense and dramatic. Kane’s expression was firm and decisive, as if he had made an important decision. Reina, cassius and Liana all looked at Kane in astonishment, unable to believe his words.

“I do,” Kane’s voice was firm and steady, as if it were cast in steel. “I am willing to give my soul in exchange for the contribution of the universe.”

This sentence is like a stone thrown into a lake, which has aroused endless ripples. Reina and others’ eyes meet, and they are silently communicating with a deep shock and understanding. They understand that Kane’s decision is not rash, but the result of careful consideration.

“Kane, you can’t do this!” Reina’s voice had a firm feeling, and he stepped forward without hesitation, trying to stop Kane’s move.

Cassius and Liana also stood out, and their expressions were full of worries and helplessness. Cassius said, “Kane, you don’t have to do this. We can find other ways. “

However, Kane shook his head, and there was no doubt in his eyes that he was firm and determined. “Reina, cassius, Liana, I know my injury, and there is not much time. Moreover, I also understand that each of us has our own mission and responsibility in this universe. If I can contribute my last little bit for the future, I am willing to turn my back. “

This heroic decision made Reina and others admire it immensely, and it also made them feel sad. Kane’s words hit the softest place in their hearts like a heavy blow. In the face of this decision, all the struggles and hesitations become insignificant.

“Kane, you are a real hero.” Liana’s voice trembled slightly, and her eyes sparkled with tears. She saw Kane’s selfless and firm belief.

Kane smiled and patted Reina on the shoulder. “Reina, cassius, Liana, you are my hero. We have experienced so much together, and I am proud to be able to fight side by side with you. “

His words were full of gratitude and affection, which made everyone present feel the deep friendship. Despite their heartache, they also understand Kane’s choice, because in this universe, everyone shoulders their own mission, and they are willing to give everything for a bigger goal, for the future and for the peace of the universe.

“Kane, we will always remember your courage and sacrifice.” Cassius’s voice is full of firmness, and his eyes are shining with strong light.

In the face of Kane’s decision, they all feel that their determination has been sublimated, their mission has become clearer, and although the road ahead is difficult, they will continue to move forward without hesitation.

Kane’s selfless decision was accepted by the eye of time, and he resolutely jumped into the time. As his figure disappeared, the planet “Chronos” seemed to be one of the bright lights, emitting a mysterious and energetic light. At this moment, Reina, cassius and Liana felt a powerful force to connect them closely, as if the force of the universe was watching their actions.

Reina is close to the eye of time, and his hand gently touches this mysterious object. At the moment of contact, a weak and warm energy was introduced into his body along his palm, and then his whole soul began to be attracted to an unprecedented space.

In this space, Reina felt as if floating in the void, surrounded by a mysterious atmosphere. His body is no longer bound by gravity. He can move freely in this space, but he can’t touch anything. This is a completely different realm from the real world, which makes him feel strange and mysterious.

As Reina was immersed in the wonder of the eye of time, his consciousness passed through the years and witnessed his life fragments, from childhood memories to everything now. This mysterious space seems to be a history book about himself, turning slowly, showing him from an unknown angle.

First, he saw Taylor, the deputy commander who led the Star Ranger, find him in a corner of the universe and bring him back to the organization. It was a cold and distant planet, and Taylor’s firmness and kindness changed his fate and saved him from loneliness. This memory made Reina have a deeper respect and gratitude for Taylor. He realized that his growth was closely related to Xinghai Ranger, and Taylor was undoubtedly his important mentor.

Then, going back to earlier years, he saw a mysterious figure, which was strikingly similar to Draco’s appearance. This man abandoned him in the universe, like a lonely meteor, floating in the endless void. This scene makes Reina’s mood quite complicated, and he can’t help thinking about his relationship with this person. Does he have some deep connection with Draco? This mystery, like a key, reveals a bigger secret of the universe.

As time went on, his eyes changed again, staring at the scene of a palace. There, a baby lay quietly on a gorgeous bed and was praised by everyone. People call him Alion, which comes from ancient imperial books and means “son of the stars” or “son of destiny”. And the baby’s father turned out to be empire of the sun’s emperor sorrell. Reina was dumbfounded. He couldn’t imagine that he had such a deep bond with the royal family in empire of the sun.

The revelation of all this made Reina lost in thought, and his heart fluctuated. He is no longer an ordinary Xinghai Ranger, he is the prince of empire of the sun, with a unique identity. He began to understand that his every move might affect the balance of the universe, and his fate was woven into a bigger story.

However, Reina didn’t have much time to fall into self-doubt and confusion. Suddenly, he felt that he was pulled out of this mysterious space by a powerful force. His consciousness began to return to reality, and he felt his body again. This time, his heart was full of determination and mission.

When Reina opened his eyes again, he found himself back on the spaceship. He was lying on the floor, surrounded by the worried eyes of cassius and Liana. Cassius asked eagerly what had happened, while Reina pretended that consciousness had not fully recovered. However, under the calm appearance, Reina’s thoughts have begun to turn, and he conceived a brand-new plan.

He told cassius that he saw empire of the sun’s palace in the eyes of time, which seemed to be a hint and a possible clue. He believes that there may be more truth about his identity hidden in empire of the sun’s palace. He suggested going to empire of the sun, personally looking for sorrell, and exploring his past and the secrets of the universe. Cassius and Liana nodded silently, knowing that Reina had made a decision, which was their common mission.

So, a group of people once again embarked on a new journey, their goal is empire of the sun, the planet that has a deep connection with Reina. In the vastness of the galaxy, their spaceship is like a tiny star, heading for an unknown fate. Reina’s heart is full of determination and courage. He knows that the road ahead is full of challenges and dangers, but it also hides infinite possibilities. This is his journey to seek the truth and his mission to find his true identity.