Chapter 12

New Beginnings

Under the splendor of the palace, Ariane ushered in a new chapter as a ruler. He decided to change his name back to Alion, which is a recognition of himself and his family, and also an acknowledgement of the past. This name means that he will no longer hide his identity, but will stand at the top of power without reservation and lead empire of the sun in his own way.

Surrounded by princes and nobles, Alion ascended the throne, which is a solemn ceremony and recognition of his ability and leadership. There is no light on his face, but a solemn and responsible one. As an emperor, he will face numerous challenges and choices, but he has a firm determination to make the best efforts for the future of empire of the sun.

This new beginning is not only a change in a person’s role, but also a new chapter in a country. Alion knows that he shoulders the mission of empire of the sun’s prosperity. He needs to deal with internal and external affairs, balance the interests and ensure the stability and prosperity of the country. As a ruler, he will face political struggle, diplomatic game and internal reform, all of which require his wisdom and courage.

However, Ariane is not alone. He is surrounded by loyal princes and nobles who will be his supporters and advisers. With their assistance, Ariane will be able to better cope with various challenges, formulate more sensible policies, and push empire of the sun towards prosperity and prosperity.

The new throne means new responsibilities and new opportunities. Aryon’s heart is burning with longing for the future, and he will spare no effort to pursue his great cause. He has lofty goals, hoping to unify the universe and bring peace and prosperity. This is a brand-new chapter, and Ariane is ready. For the glory of empire of the sun, he will go forward and create a more brilliant future.

Leon’s eyes were fixed on Sephora, and he was eager to know why cassius and Liana left his custody and went to sorrell’s room, but also happened to meet Draco. This situation makes him feel confused and uneasy, and he needs to know the truth behind it.

Sefila didn’t shy away from Ariane’s questioning. She explained her actions frankly. She told Ariane that she deliberately guided cassius and Liana to sorrell’s room, so as to let other forces intervene in sorrell’s death. She realized that Draco’s motive for killing sorrell was not convincing enough, and it was difficult for the outside world to believe it. Therefore, she chose this strategy to ensure that Alion can completely clear his suspicion, so that empire of the sun’s future can develop more smoothly.

“I know this plan may surprise you and even think I’m a little risky.” Sefila faced Ariane’s eyes with a firm and frank tone. “But I am convinced that only in this way can we ensure that Draco’s motivation becomes an unbelievable reason for the outside world. After all, his relationship with sorrell is not enough to prove his crime. “

Leon listened silently, and he could understand Sephora’s consideration. Although this plan seems a bit risky, in the long run, it does help to protect the stability and prosperity of empire of the sun. He knew that as a ruler, sometimes he had to make a difficult decision between interests and morality.

“Sefila, I understand your intention.” Alion nodded gently, his eyes full of gratitude. “You think about the future of empire of the sun, and I am very glad to have you by my side.”

Sefila smiled, knowing that she had made the right decision. As a distant relative of Reina (Alion), she has been silently supporting him and helping him to the throne, also to realize her wish. She hopes that Ariane can bid farewell to the past completely, become the real monarch of empire of the sun, and bring prosperity and peace to the universe.

“Ariane, we are about to face more challenges and difficult choices.” Sefila stared at him firmly. “But I believe you have the ability to lead empire of the sun to a brilliant future.”

Leon’s eyes are firm and firm, and he knows that he has stood at a new starting point. He will continue to clean up corruption and chaos in empire of the sun, and at the same time look for rare energy and build a huge space fleet. He has given up the illusion of liberalism and started to move towards new goals. Sorrell’s death is an end and a new beginning, and Aryon has already ushered in his great cause of unifying the universe.

As the new monarch of empire of the sun, Alion showed great determination and leadership. He understands that only by reorganizing the country and strengthening its strength can empire of the sun lead to a prosperous and peaceful future.

He first set out to rectify corruption and chaos in the country. He issued a series of strict laws, strengthened the supervision system, severely punished corrupt elements and rebuilt the people’s trust in the government. He knows that a stable domestic environment is an important foundation for realizing a unified universe.

At the same time, Ariane also realized that the enhancement of strength is also crucial. He ordered empire of the sun’s fleet to search for rare energy in the universe to ensure the country’s energy supply. He understands that strong energy support is the cornerstone of development and progress.

More importantly, Leon began to build a huge space fleet. This huge fleet can not only protect empire of the sun’s territory, but also intervene when necessary to maintain the peace and stability of the universe. Leon understands that only strong military strength can make empire of the sun occupy greater influence in the universe.

Alion’s ambitious cause is not limited to domestic and military aspects. His vision is even more ambitious. He hopes to unify the whole universe, integrate various galaxies and races and achieve lasting peace and prosperity. He understands that this is not only an arduous task, but also a long process, which requires great efforts and sacrifices.

Every decision, every action, is to achieve part of this grand goal. Ariane devoted all his time and energy to this mission, knowing that only through unremitting efforts can a better future be created.

Leon believes in his mission, and his will is as firm as a star. He brought empire of the sun into a new era, an era full of hope and possibility. His great cause has begun, and his determination will lead him to a brilliant future.

Ariane stood at the peak of power, however, the taste of power gradually changed his thinking and pursuit. He began to gradually give up his previous fantasy of liberalism and replaced it with the pursuit of rule and strength. He realized that as a monarch, he had to face responsibilities and challenges far beyond what he had expected in the past.

Sorrell’s last words before he died, “We are the same person”, left a deep impression on Ariane’s heart. This sentence is not only a contrast between himself and sorrell, but also a profound reflection on the relationship between power and responsibility. Alion gradually realized that he, like his father, needed to take on the future and destiny of empire of the sun.

With his accession to the throne, Ariane officially started his great cause of unifying the universe. He knows that this is an arduous task, but he is willing to make every effort to achieve it. He is well aware that to achieve the unity of the universe, we need strong strength and wisdom, and we need to overcome countless difficulties and challenges. However, he has made up his mind to pursue this grand goal at all costs.

In order to achieve this goal, Ariane began to take positive actions. He not only rectified the domestic order, strengthened supervision and cracked down on corruption, but also ordered the search for rare energy and the construction of a huge space fleet. He understands that only with strong military strength can empire of the sun’s territory and interests be defended in the universe.

However, all this is not a simple task. Alion must face challenges from both inside and outside, and overcome political disputes and threats from external forces. He must keep a clear head, a firm will and a commitment to the future of empire of the sun. He knows that he shoulders the expectations and trust of many people and must do his best to live up to their expectations.

On the way forward, Ariane has faced new challenges and gained new opportunities. His determination and wisdom will be a sharp weapon for him to face all difficulties and will also lead him to a brighter future. The great cause of unifying the universe has begun, and Alion will use his own actions to lay a solid foundation for empire of the sun’s prosperity and peace.

Arian, with his huge space fleet, cruised in the universe, the vast universe between cross star. His goal is to find new resources, build alliances, consolidate empire of the sun’s power and expand its influence to further places. On this day, he led the fleet into a galaxy called “Top of the Light”, which is famous for its planet Alpha Lumi, which has endless sunshine and uses light as energy, and is also the birthplace of empire of the sun.

Ariane’s space fleet entered the planet orbit of Alpha Lumi, and he ordered all the guards to be dismissed as a sign of his sincerity. Then, he slowly walked to the surface of the planet, full of thoughts. He knew that this planet carried the origin of empire of the sun and witnessed the rise and fall of his family and empire.

However, while he was immersed in thinking, a spaceship suddenly fell from the sky and landed in front of him. Leon stood warily and stared at the ship. The porthole opened, and cassius and Liana came out slowly. Their faces are dignified and their eyes are sharp.

Ariang stepped forward with his head held high, showing the bearing of a king. He tried to persuade cassius and Liana to join him and become an important force in empire of the sun to help him realize his great dream of unifying the universe. However, the expressions of cassius and Liana became more determined, and they did not intend to succumb to Ariane.

“Leon, you used us before. Why did you find us now?” Cassius’s voice is full of indifference and vigilance.

“I know what I did before may make you angry and disappointed, but I have changed. I want you to participate in my career and create a better future together.” Leon’s voice is firm, trying to impress cassius and Liana.

However, cassius and Liana were not moved by Ariane’s words. There is a trace of irony and helplessness in their eyes, as if laughing at the corruption and temptation of power.

“Leon, does power really make a person so corrupt?” Liana’s voice revealed a trace of disappointment and helplessness.

“You say you want to unify the universe, but I don’t believe that your way can bring real peace and happiness.” Cassius’s voice is firm, and he has made up his mind that he won’t be shaken by Aryon’s tactics again.

Leon’s face a slight change, he didn’t think cassius and Liana would be so firmly refused. He began to realize that his change was not so easy to accept, especially for those who had been hurt.

“cassius, Liana, I understand your feelings, but I am really trying to be better. I will use my own strength to unify the universe and achieve prosperity and peace in empire of the sun.” Arian’s voice is full of sincerity and firmness.

However, cassius and Liana did not waver. They know very well that the temptation and corruption of power are so powerful that it is difficult for them to regain their trust even if Ariane sincerely changes.

“Leon, you want to unify the universe, we will fight against you with Xinghai Ranger and Crystal Alliance. Your imperial dream will not come true. ” Liana’s voice is firm, and she is ready to compete with Ariane’s forces.

Leon’s brow wrinkled slightly, and he realized that his goal would face resistance from forces such as cassius and Liana. He understands that to realize the great dream of unifying the universe, not only great strength is needed, but also numerous obstacles and challenges need to be overcome.

“I will not give up easily. No matter how you resist, I will move forward firmly and work hard for the future of empire of the sun.” Leon’s voice was full of determination and confidence.

Cassius and Liana glances, they know that the confrontation will be long and difficult. They are determined to stand on the side of justice, contend with the power of Ariane and defend the peace and freedom of the universe.

The future of empire of the sun is destined to write a new chapter in this contest between power and justice.

Ariane’s road to a unified universe is doomed to be full of bumps and challenges. Although cassius and Liana resolutely resisted, their resistance did not shake Ariane. On the contrary, he is more convinced of his goal and determined to move on.

However, he knows that the road ahead is full of unknowns. Deep in his heart, Aryon still retains his awe and curiosity about fate. After all, no one can predict the future, especially on the infinite stage of the universe.

In order to find the answer, Leon once again came to the eye of time. This mysterious and powerful existence seems to reveal clues to the future and help him better plan his trip to the unified universe.

He offered an innocent baby, who just came into this world and knew nothing about the future. Alion hopes to know his own destiny and the future of empire of the sun through this baby’s future. His heart is full of expectation and tension, and he knows that the power of the eye of time is huge and complicated, which should not be underestimated.

The baby was gently placed in the center of the eye of time, and mysterious power began to surge. Leon’s vision began to distort, and he seemed to have entered an illusory time and space. He saw countless scenes, some were the bonfires of war, some were peaceful prosperity, some were his victories, and some were his failures. Every picture is like a starlight, flashing a possibility.

However, Ariane also realized that the future is not monolithic, but composed of countless choices and decisions. He saw that even the path he chose had countless branches and possibilities. This made him understand that the future is not an absolute reservation, but is shaped by his own efforts and decisions.

In the vision of the eye of time, Ariane saw many faces, some of his allies, some of his enemies, and some of those who suffered. These faces form the background of his decisions and choices, and let him understand that every decision will have an impact on the fate of countless people.

With the constant flash of visions, Ariane’s mood gradually calmed down. He understands that the future is a field that needs his constant exploration and struggle, not a passively waiting fate. He decided that no matter how difficult the road ahead was, he would go forward bravely and create a better universe with his own actions.

When Ariane wakes up from the illusion of the eye of time, his heart is full of new strength and determination. He knows that everything he faces is the result of his own choice, and he has to undertake all this and work hard for his dreams.

He looked at the innocent baby, filled with hope for the future. No matter how bumpy the road ahead is, he will go forward bravely and use his own strength to change the fate of the universe. Ariane embarked on a new journey, knowing that no matter what the future holds, he will strive to create a universe full of hope and peace.