Chapter 11

The Real Conspiracy

Reina’s eyes are firm and calm, and he knows that everything that follows is related to whether his revenge plan can go smoothly. He exchanged a tacit look with Sephora to confirm that everything was ready.

Sephora conveyed sorrell’s order to escort Draco in confinement to his room. This step is to create the illusion that Draco was the last person to see sorrell, and to frame him as a witness and suspect of sorrell’s death.

Dracos was taken to sorrell’s room. When he entered the room, he found sorrell lying on the ground, showing no signs of life. His face turned pale in an instant and his eyes were full of shock and confusion.

Draco looked forward in a panic, trying to find out what had happened. But just as he was about to shout, a chill suddenly struck, and he turned around subconsciously, only to see cassius and Liana standing behind him. This sudden situation made Draco’s heart beat involuntarily, and his body tightened instantly.

Cassius and Liana’s eyes were cold and firm, and they both knew that this moment was crucial. Draco had a dispute with them. He tried to kill Reina, and now he has become a key link in their revenge plan. The hatred and contradictions between the two sides have now come together and formed an inevitable decisive battle.

Draco has no time to think, and his instinct makes him react quickly. He knows that this is a life-and-death battle, and he has no way out. He put away his inner fears and stepped forward to prepare for this unprecedented confrontation. Reina’s plan has already begun, and whether Draco will become a suspect or escape this situation depends on the next battle.

The misunderstanding between Draco and cassius and Liana made the situation more complicated. In sorrell’s room, they looked at each other with hostility and suspicion in their eyes. Draco was still standing next to sorrell’s body, while cassius and Liana stood at the door tightly, watching him warily.

Both sides thought that the other side killed sorrell, and this wrong cognition became the fuse of fierce fighting between them. Dracos was angry. He believed that cassius and Liana had come to avenge sorrell. Cassius and Liana thought Draco was the murderer and pretended to be surprised to cover up the crime.

The fighting broke out immediately and the room was filled with tension. The hatred between Draco and cassius was released at this moment, and they attacked almost at the same time without any hesitation. Not to be outdone, Liana flexibly avoided Draco’s attack and then quickly fought back.

However, cassius and Liana’s injuries have not completely recovered, and the effects of their previous drugs have not completely disappeared. In the battle, their movements were much slower than usual, and their physical strength was gradually overdrawn. Faced with the great strength of Draco, they gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Dracos showed his powerful fighting skills and strength as a senior soldier in empire of the sun. His attack was sharp and sharp, and cassius and Liana had to do their best to resist every blow. The fighting between the two sides became extremely fierce, and the room was filled with a tense atmosphere.

Cassius and Liana’s situation became more and more dangerous. They felt the exhaustion of physical strength, and their fighting capacity gradually declined. Faced with Draco’s attack, they could hardly find a chance to fight back. As time went on, they gradually fell into a passive situation.

The situation was urgent and cassius had to make a decision. He grabbed the dagger on the ground, his eyes determined and firm. He knew that if he didn’t make this decision, he and Liana might not survive. He held the dagger tightly in his hand and was determined to take risks with his own body.

The dagger stabbed Draco in the heart, and for an instant, the room was full of tension. Draco’s body twitched suddenly. He looked at cassius in disbelief, and then fell to the ground feebly, losing his fighting capacity.

The moment of fighting stopped, cassius and Liana gasped, feeling the joy of victory. However, footsteps suddenly came, and Reina and Sephora broke into the room with a group of people. What they saw stunned everyone. The emperor and the first heir of empire of the sun fell in a pool of blood. Cassius and Liana were covered with blood and seemed to be murderers.

The situation in the room became extremely tense, and the mood of the crowd was swept by the flood of emotions, and anger, fear and doubt were intertwined. Cassius and Liana stood in situ, eager to explain, but their voices were hidden by the noise around them and could not be conveyed to others.

Cassius’s eyes flashed with firmness, and he knew it was time to take action. Reina’s eyes aimed at cassius, sending a small but clear signal. Cassius immediately understood that they must take advantage of this chaotic opportunity to reverse the situation and clear their names.

In the blink of an eye, cassius quickly turned the dagger and threw his weapon at the side wall. The dagger cut through the air and let out a sharp roar, which attracted everyone’s attention. All eyes were attracted by the dagger, almost at the same moment, their eyes shifted from cassius and Liana to the trajectory of the dagger.

At this moment of distraction, Reina seized the opportunity. He pounced on cassius, hugged him tightly, and put the dagger next to cassius’s throat, creating a hostage situation. Attention was once again focused on Reina and cassius, and cassius’s actions just weakened their sense of threat to Liana.

“Don’t come here! If you come any closer, I’ll stab him in the throat at once! ” Reina’s voice is full of refusal and threats. His expression is serious and his eyes are firm. This unexpected move instantly plunged the people on the scene into stalemate and tension.

Sefila immediately realized Reina’s plan, and she stood up and tried to calm the situation. “Everybody calm down! Let’s listen to them explain clearly. ” Her voice is full of authority and determination, which has played a certain stabilizing role.

Cassius shut his mouth tightly and stopped trying to explain, because now they need time to arrange their next plan. Liana stood by, watching the people’s reaction. She also understood cassius’s intention and was ready to cooperate at any time.

The atmosphere in the room was so tense that it could almost freeze. People looked at each other, and the friction charges filled the air. Under the threat of Reina, they temporarily stopped their actions and waited for their explanation.

Sefila saw this and decided to speak, trying to resolve the crisis. “cassius, Liana, you now have a chance to explain why you are here and why sorrell fell here. Everybody calm down and listen to them. “

Cassius felt Sephora’s kindness, and he was relieved, and his nervousness was slightly relieved. He stared at the crowd and said firmly, “We do stand here, but we didn’t kill sorrell. When we first came in, he had fallen to the ground, and we just happened to be here. “

Liana added: “We didn’t do it or kill anyone. We need everyone to trust us and give us a chance to explain clearly. “

The mood of the crowd calmed down a little, and Sephora’s words played a certain role.

Under Sephora’s careful command, empire of the sun’s soldiers had no choice but to get out of the way, and cassius and Liana were able to escape. They hurried through the corridor of the palace and came to a position near the external boarding gate. The engine of the spaceship buzzed, waiting for their boarding.

When they set foot on the spaceship, the tension finally relaxed. Cassius and Liana both felt their chests breathing heavily, and they finally escaped from the place full of traps and misunderstandings. Sephora was relieved and watched them get on the spaceship. She knew that the impact of this incident was far from over.

The door of the spaceship slowly closed and the light in the cabin gradually dimmed. Cassius and Liana came to the control room and began to study the control panel of the spacecraft. However, there is still a trace of anxiety on their faces, because there may be more secrets hidden in sorrell’s plot.

“cassius, Liana, we finally got rid of all this.” Cassius took a deep breath and looked at her firmly. “Yes, we can be free at last.”

Cassius nodded, and then frowned. “But this is not the end, we know too little. Reina’s father, sorrell, is actually behind the scenes. How much do we not know about his plot? “

Liana nodded silently, and she was also worried about the unknown. “And Reina must have more plans, and we have to be careful. After all, his previous strategy has caused us to fall into misunderstanding and dilemma. “

Cassius frowned. He looked out of the window at the starry sky, and his heart was full of complicated emotions. “Reina is a very clever man, but he is also our ally. We must cooperate with him to uncover more truth and stop sorrell’s plot. “

Liana looked at cassius, eyes flashed a firm. “You’re right. We can’t let sorrell’s plot continue, and we can’t let Reina’s actions cause more misunderstandings. We must cooperate with him to find out the real culprit. “

Cassius nodded, and their eyes met, conveying firm determination to each other. Although the road ahead is full of unknowns and challenges, they know that only by uncovering the truth can peace and justice be brought to the universe.

The engine of the spaceship hummed louder and louder, and empire of the sun’s planet gradually moved away from their sight. Cassius and Liana know that they still have many difficulties to face, but they are ready. For the sake of truth and justice, they are willing to move forward and create a better future.