Chapter 1

Fatal Assassination

On a quiet night, Reyna was resting at home. He sat by the window and looked at the starry sky through the glass. The coming night led his thoughts to past memories. Father, deputy commander of Xinghai Ranger, the hero who struggled for peace in the Star Domain all his life, is the object of his infinite respect and worship.

Suddenly, a sharp alarm broke the silence and broke his mind. His heart was beating rapidly and he immediately realized the seriousness of the matter. He flew out of the room and went downstairs to the door, and he couldn’t help but gasp at the sight.

In his yard, a black spaceship landed, which exudes a dark and gloomy atmosphere. Reina quickly hid in the bushes and watched quietly.

The door of the spaceship slowly opened and a figure came out. The figure was dressed in a black robe, and his face was covered by a black mask, revealing only a pair of cold eyes. The arrival of this unexpected guest filled Reina’s heart with anxiety and tension.

The uninvited guest looked around as if looking for something. Reina clenched his fist tightly, and he decided not to let the stranger enter his home defenseless. He stood on tiptoe quietly, trying to find a suitable time.

At this moment, the uninvited guest suddenly stopped, as if sensing something. He turned his head and looked in the direction of the trees. Reina’s heart tightened, and he felt his heartbeat as if it had reached the ears of strangers.

The stranger’s eyes swept through the trees and instantly met Reina’s eyes. Reina’s eyes were full of firmness and vigilance, and he looked at the stranger without weakness. At this moment, as if time had solidified, the whole yard was filled with a tense atmosphere.

The stranger smiled and a strange light flashed in his eyes. Reina felt as if his mind was being pulled, and his mood began to fluctuate. He tried to resist, but found it more and more difficult to resist.

“Come on, kid.” The stranger’s voice rang in Reina’s mind, like a dark force invading his heart.

Reina gritted his teeth and tightened his muscles, so he didn’t want to give in. He began to use his willpower to try to get rid of the influence of strangers. A powerful conflict unfolded in his mind, and he felt as if he were caught in a spiritual contest.

Suddenly, he thought of his father, his courage and determination. This memory seemed to infuse him with infinite strength, and he felt his will strengthened again. He was no longer controlled by strangers, and he began to use his consciousness to fight against the dark forces.

The stranger’s smile faded away and his brow wrinkled slightly. Reina felt that his resistance made the stranger become anxious and uneasy. He took the opportunity to take back his eyes and quickly left the place with the help of the cover of trees.

He came to the darkroom at home, and his mood was still tense. He knew that the scene just now was just the beginning, and he was facing greater danger. He picked up a dagger and held it tightly. He was determined to protect his home and family, and at the same time he was determined to find out the identity and purpose of the stranger.

Soon after, the stranger disappeared into the night, and the black spaceship took off and flew away. Reina’s heart is full of doubt and anxiety. He knows that this is just the beginning of a mystery, and his world will change completely from now on.

Reina hurried to his father’s room, and his heart was full of anxiety and tension. He opened the door and found his father lying in bed, pale and with fine sweat oozing from his forehead. My father used to be the deputy commander of Xinghai Ranger, a man full of honor and courage, but at the moment, he is extremely fragile and the breath of life is gradually dissipating.

Reina approached the bed and gently held his father’s hand. His father turned his head slightly and called his name in a weak voice: “Reina.”

“Father, what’s the matter with you?” Reina’s voice trembled, and he didn’t want to believe everything in sight.

The father smiled, although the smile on his face had become weak: “Reina, my child, I have no time to say more.”

Reina’s heart tightened, and he knew that his father’s condition was very serious. He whispered and asked eagerly, “Father, what happened? Why did you … “

“Don’t worry, I have to tell you something.” Father’s eyes became firm, and his words revealed an unquestionable determination.

Reina stared at his father nervously, almost feeling his incomparably strong will. He gritted his teeth and quietly waited for his father’s next words.

“Reina, I was attacked. It was a premeditated assassination.” Although his father’s voice was weak, every word was clearly introduced to Reina’s ears.

Reina’s heart jerked, and he looked at his father in disbelief. Assassination? This seems unimaginable, especially for a strong man like a father.

“Behind the scenes, they have powerful forces, and I … I can’t escape.” My father’s eyes sparkled with helplessness, as if remembering the scene.

Reina’s throat tightened, and he felt his father’s helplessness and sadness. He held his father’s hand tightly and tried to give him a little strength.

“Father, we will find out the truth and avenge you.” Reina’s voice is full of firmness and determination.

The father smiled with pride in his eyes: “I believe you, my child.”

Reina’s eyes were moist, and he knew how proud and trusting his father was. Their hands clasped tightly, as if silently conveying deep feelings.

“One more thing, I hope you can listen carefully.” Father’s tone became serious, as if conveying an important last wish.

Reina nodded and motioned for him to continue.

“This star field has many secrets, some of which even I don’t know. You have to find out the truth hidden in the dark, Reina. Your shoulders will bear great responsibility and continue to fight for Xinghai Ranger. ” Father’s eyes are firm and deep.

Reina’s heart is heavy, and he understands his father’s meaning. Xinghai Ranger is a force to protect the peace of the star domain, and their family has always been a part of this force. He will continue his father’s legacy and fight for justice and peace.

As the night deepened, the stars fell on the father and son, as if the father had paved the way for his son with a faint light. Reina clasped his father’s hand and vowed to find out the truth, avenge his father and fight for the glory of the whole Xinghai Ranger.

At his father’s funeral, Reina made up her mind to uncover the truth behind it. He knew that it would be a journey full of dangers and unknowns, but he did not flinch. Standing in front of the grave, he vowed to seek justice for his father and restore the conspiracy behind him.

After the funeral, Reina began to actively collect clues. He talked with his father’s friends, colleagues and even some intelligence personnel, trying to piece together the whole picture of the assassination. Every conversation made him more convinced that the forces behind it were extremely powerful and complicated.

He rummaged through his father’s personal files, carefully analyzed his activities and looked for any clues that could help him. His firm determination has become the driving force to push him forward, even though he faces many difficulties and obstacles.

In this journey of seeking truth, Reina encountered many setbacks. He was forced to face all kinds of dangers, and sometimes even fell into a desperate situation. But he didn’t give up. Every failure made him tougher and more determined to bring the real murderer to justice.

He met his father’s comrades before his death and listened to their memories and opinions. In a conversation, an old comrade-in-arms told him that his father had a conflict with empire of the sun because of a secret, and this secret seems to be closely related to the fate of the whole star field.

This clue aroused Reina’s strong interest, and he began to deeply study the history and activities of empire of the sun. He found that empire of the sun has been secretly accumulating strength, trying to influence the balance of the star field. And my father seems to have tried to stop their plans, thus becoming their target.

Reina realized that he needed more support and help to uncover this complicated plot. He decided to look for those who are willing to stand by him and fight against the threat of empire of the sun together.

With his efforts, some like-minded people began to gather around him. Some are members of Xinghai Rangers, while others are independent freedom fighters. They have a common goal, that is, to uncover the true face of empire of the sun and defend the peace of the star field.

Reina formed a small team, and everyone worked together to collect information and study clues. He also got the support of some mysterious forces, which kept an eye on empire of the sun’s activities in the dark.

Their efforts have gradually yielded results, revealing that empire of the sun is planning a bigger plot to try to control the future of the Star Domain. Reina’s heart was filled with anger, and he vowed to expose their plans, avenge his father and defend the peace of the star field.

With the deepening of the investigation, Reina gradually unveiled the layers of this conspiracy. Clues emerge one after another, and all seem to point to empire of the sun, a powerful force with huge resources and power. This discovery shocked him. Why did his father become the target of empire of the sun?

However, the anger in his heart did not weaken his reason. He knew that to find out the truth, he had to go deep into the enemy’s lair. Although empire of the sun is strong, he is convinced that real justice and determination can overcome all difficulties.

However, the leaders of Xinghai Ranger are unwilling to let him take risks. They worry that Reina’s actions may attract empire of the sun’s attention, endangering not only his own life, but also the safety of the whole Xinghai Ranger. They insist that the time is not yet ripe and should wait for better opportunities first.

“Reina, we understand your determination, but you have to understand that this is a battle that concerns the whole Xinghai Ranger.” Atros, one of the leaders of Xinghai Ranger, said to him seriously, “We need more information and more power to confront empire of the sun head-on.”

Reina understands their concerns, but his heart is full of firm determination. He knows that time waits for no one, innocent lives are lost every day, and more plots may be brewing every day. He can’t wait and die any longer. He must take action to find the real murderer behind him and avenge his father.

“I understand your consideration, but I can’t wait any longer.” Reina said, his voice with a firm, “I will be careful, try not to attract the attention of empire of the sun, but I can’t sit still. I must pay for my father’s revenge. “

The leaders of Xinghai Ranger looked at Reina, and they knew that he had made up his mind. Atros sighed and finally nodded: “All right, Reina, you go. But you have to promise us that you must be cautious and never take risks. “

Reina nodded and expressed his understanding and commitment. He knows that the leaders’ concern comes from their love for him and their responsibility to the whole Xinghai Ranger. He will do his best to protect himself, and at the same time, he will think about the safety of Xinghai Ranger.

Then, on a silent night, Reina secretly embarked on a journey to empire of the sun. He didn’t tell anyone. He knew that if he revealed his plan, someone would definitely stop him. He is determined to face this dangerous challenge alone, even at the cost of loneliness and risk.

He knew that the road ahead would be full of difficulties and unknowns, but he was ready. His heart is full of determination and courage, and he knows that this is the only way for him to avenge his father. He headed for the depths of the interstellar universe, with hope and oath, for justice, for his family, for the Star Ranger.