
Mutants are originally a part of humanity. In the process of exploring the universe, due to long-term exposure to diverse environments and stars, their bodies have undergone varying degrees of adaptive variation. This made them different from hominids in some ways, forming a distinct clade.

Appearance: They may have skin color, texture, and form different from that of humans, such as enhanced scales, transparent skin, or feathering. Some mutants have body parts that may have evolved to suit specific environments, such as gills for underwater breathing or eyes for seeing in the dark.

Body Structure: Their internal organs or physiological systems may also have undergone adaptations to suit the characteristics of their planet or environment.

Senses: Certain mutants may have developed special sentience abilities beyond that of primitive humans, such as the ability to perceive electromagnetic fields or ultrasonic communications.

Technology: Although their origins are human, as a result of adapting to different ecological environments, they may have developed unique technologies that are closely tied to the characteristics of their environment.

Culture: Mutants develop their own culture and traditions as they explore and adapt to new environments. Their beliefs, arts, and social structures may differ from those of humans, reflecting their mutation history and experiences.

Learning: Mutants still retain an inherent human curiosity, they like to explore, learn and apply what they learn in their lives.

Interaction: They interact with other races as well as their original race, humans. Relationships with humans can be complex and varied, sometimes friendly and other times fraught with friction.

Adaptation: They are one of the most adaptable races in the universe, which is also their great advantage in the OUTERVERSE universe.