Intellectus Beasts

Introduction: The Homo sapiens come from a lush planet called "Vegetation Planet". Most of the planet is covered with dense forests and vast grasslands, with a wide variety of flora and fauna, and the Homo sapiens are the most intelligent creatures among them.

 Appearance: Coat: Various colors and textures, often with bright markings or markings. Body: Quadruped, but able to walk upright or use tools if required. Eyes: Large and expressive, showing their high intelligence and curiosity. Mouth: adapt to all kinds of food, some races are herbivorous, some are carnivorous, and some are omnivorous.

Physiology and Abilities: Powerful Intuition: Possess extraordinary intuition and perception. Memory: Possess highly developed memory abilities and the ability to retain complex information and stories. Communication Skills: Ability to communicate using complex body language, sounds, and chemistry.

Culture and Customs: Tattoo Ceremony: In their culture, every time they experience an important life event, they will add a new tattoo to their body. Storytelling: They take oral tradition very seriously and gather regularly to share each other’s stories and experiences. Co-parenting: In Homo sapiens, not only the parents but the whole group are involved in the upbringing of the children.

Technology and Architecture: Ecological Architecture: Their dwellings are in perfect harmony with nature, often constructed using trees, bamboo and other natural materials. Tools: The tools they use are mostly made of bone, stone, and plant fibers, highly adaptable to their needs. Interstellar Observatory: Although their technological level is not as high as that of some other interstellar races, they possess a unique ability to observe and record interstellar phenomena.

Homo sapiens are open to other races, and they believe that each race has its own unique wisdom and knowledge, which deserves to be respected and learned from. Their interactions with other races are generally peaceful and friendly, but they also guard their territories and resources to keep the Clan safe.

The Red Blight are widely regarded as a cosmic threat, their military might and ambition for conquest making other interstellar races wary of them. Few races are willing to trade or establish diplomatic relations with it, unless they are forced to do so or have other motives.