Force Evolution

Four forces

The Solar Empire

The Crystal Conclave

The Star Sea Rangers

Interstellar Pirates


(Era 0-30)

The Solar Empire was originally just a small tribe in the galaxy, mainly composed of cybernetic humans and super-intelligents. They all advocate strength and order, and have a strong passion for technology.
The predecessor of the Crystal Alliance was a group of small-scale groups mainly exploring crystal technology, mainly including the Stellarnauts and Shadow Weavers.
The Star Sea Rangers were originally a group of explorers from multiple races. They roamed freely in the universe and collected various rare resources. Initially, they did not participate in the political struggles of the galaxy.
The interstellar pirates are not a single race, but are composed of homeless, criminals, fugitives and adventurers of various races. They have a strong profit drive and pursue wealth by any means. In the early history of the system, they often amassed wealth through robbery, extortion, and selling illegal goods.


(30-60 AD)

The Solar Empire began to actively mine minerals, especially quantum crystals. This resource not only brought technological advancement, but also strengthened their military power. But it also caused tension in their relationship with other galactic races, especially with the Crystalline Federation.
During their research, the Star Chi found a crystal technology similar to quantum crystals, which attracted the attention of the Solar Empire. In order to protect their discoveries and oppose the hegemony of the Sun Empire, the Star Intelligence Tribe joined forces with the Shadow Weavers and Sand Whisperers to formally establish the Crystal Alliance.
With the discovery of quantum crystals, Star Sea Ranger began a large-scale exploration activity, trying to find more crystals. They have formed a close working relationship with the Intellectus Beasts to study the potential of quantum crystals.
With the discovery of quantum crystals, interstellar pirates have also become keenly interested in them. They often rob spaceships that are mining or transporting this precious resource. During this period, the Empire of the Sun strongly suppressed pirate activities and regarded them as an important threat.

The Conflict Expands

(A.D. 61-90)

In constant expansion and conflicts, the Sun Empire has gradually emerged. They absorb some of the Psionics and use their superpowers to explore and mine more resources. In addition, they established a trading relationship with the Crimson Scourge for supplies of lethal weapons.
The Crystal Alliance resolutely confronted the Sun Empire, and the crystal technology they mastered brought them powerful defense capabilities. At the same time, they established a friendly relationship with the Rangers of the Star Sea to jointly resist the invasion of the Sun Empire.
In the confrontation between the Solar Empire and the Crystal Alliance, the Star Sea Ranger initially chose to be neutral. But as the conflict escalated, they decided to side with the Crystal Alliance against the Solar Empire.
In order to fight against the Sun Empire, the Crystal Alliance and the Star Sea Rangers hired interstellar pirates from time to time to carry out destruction and harassment. As a result, the interstellar pirates received a large amount of funds and equipment. But they are not entirely loyal to any force, and are sometimes employed by different forces at the same time, leading to many complex conflicts and betrayals.


(Epoch 91-130)

The Solar Empire attempted to unify the entire galaxy, but was resisted by the Crystal Alliance and the Star Ocean Rangers. Multiple large-scale military conflicts have exhausted the Sun Empire's resources.
The Crystal Alliance was supported by the Star Rangers in their conflict with the Solar Empire, but internal divisions arose. Some members, especially the Shadow Weavers, want peace with the Sun Empire, while others are staunchly opposed.
Star Sea Rangers have played a key role in many conflicts. They not only provided precious intelligence, but also provided material support to the Crystal Alliance. But at the same time, they also launched secret negotiations with the Sun Empire, trying to find a peaceful solution.
In order to fight against the alliance of Star Sea Rangers and Crystal Alliance, the Sun Empire secretly reached an agreement with the interstellar pirates, providing them with rich resources and equipment in exchange for their support. This has led to a more complicated situation in the galaxy, and the influence of pirates in the galaxy has greatly increased. In addition, with the rise of new races such as Mutants and Intellectus Beasts, some members have also joined the ranks of interstellar pirates, making them even more powerful. The interstellar pirates have gradually developed from a chaotic group to an organized and targeted force. In the later period, although the interstellar pirates are still an unstable force, they play an integral role in the strategic chess game of the entire galaxy, sometimes as allies of a force, and sometimes transforming into deadly enemies.