Chapter 9

The Mystery of Life Experience

Sefila takes Reina, cassius and Liana to a secret place in the main city of empire of the sun to ensure their safety. She told the old emperor sorrell about Draco’s attempt to kill Reina, and presented the whole story to sorrell. However, sorrell is not an innocent bystander, but he is the manipulator of the whole incident and the black hand behind the scenes.

Sorrell, the old emperor of empire of the sun, held great power. However, there is a terrible truth behind his position and power. When Ariane (Reina) was a baby, sorrell had spied his future through the eye of time. It was predicted that he would be killed by his youngest son, and this tragic fate deeply affected sorrell.

In order to escape this prophecy, sorrell made an incredible decision in cold blood: he deliberately abandoned his son Alion in the universe. Because he knew that the appearance of this child would lead to his own death. As he grew older, sorrell’s control over empire of the sun became more stable, and he gradually began to believe that he could control his destiny and even despised the power of prophecy.

However, sorrell did not forget his son. He began to search for traces of Aryon in the universe, trying to get him back. But his purpose is not to reunite with his son, but to master more power. When he learned that Ariane was adopted and brought up by Taylor, he didn’t feel grateful. On the contrary, his mind rose with the idea of killing.

Sorrell sent his men to kill Taylor, in order to get Arian into his arms. However, this plan aroused Reina’s revenge. Reina’s companion was killed, and he was forced to enter empire of the sun, where he was arranged to be assassinated. This series of events aroused his anger and determination to get revenge.

Finally, when the time is right, sorrell decides to meet his son Reina. When they stood face to face, sorrell’s face showed the joy of being recovered, and his eyes sparkled with complex emotions. His lost son is now standing in front of him, which is the result of his years of hard work.

Sorrell looked at Reina affectionately and said, “Leon, what a long-lost name. You don’t know how many tears I have shed for you and how many days and nights I have worried about your safety. “

Reina’s eyes were calm, but his heart was already boiling. He didn’t expect the feelings of the old emperor to be sincere. After all, this man was the mastermind behind the whole incident. Reina said softly, “You should know that I am not an ordinary child abandoned by you.”

Sorrell smiled with a hint of bitterness in his smile: “Yes, I understand. My original decision really hurt you, and I feel extremely guilty about it. “

Reina’s eyes flashed a trace of indifference, and he didn’t agree with sorrell’s apology. Sorrell’s expression changed, and he continued: “Reina, I hope you can come back to empire of the sun and come back to me. This is your home, your position. “

Reina’s expression remained calm, and he responded: “I grew up in Xinghai Ranger and was influenced by liberal values. I can’t accept the concept of imperialism, let alone ignore the chaos you created for power. “

Sorrell’s eyes flashed with displeasure, and he didn’t expect Reina to be so determined. He frowned and was dissatisfied with Reina’s attitude: “Alion, you are my son. You have the blood of the emperor in your body. You should have higher goals and responsibilities.”

Reina’s voice gradually strengthened: “I have decided that I will no longer be your son.” I can’t follow a man who will do anything for power. “

Sorrell’s eyes became more cold. He didn’t expect Reina to refuse his proposal so firmly. He said mercilessly, “Leon, I have made so much effort for you, but you are so ungrateful.” When I unify the whole universe, you are my heir. “

Reina’s expression didn’t change. He knew sorrell’s plot. Reina responded indifferently: “I will not betray my friend, nor will I be a knife in your hand.” I would rather leave empire of the sun than be the kind of person you want. “

Sorrell’s anger flared, and he coldly ordered, “So, your choice has been made. If you don’t carry out my orders at once, you will be expelled from empire of the sun and die. “

At this dangerous moment, Reina decided to go back and discuss with cassius and Liana. They needed a more cautious plan to escape from this conspiracy-filled empire.

Reina returned to her residence and told cassius and Liana about her conversation with sorrell. They all feel the danger, but they also know that they must be more cautious in the face of sorrell’s strength. The three men began to plan their escape plan, and they needed to find a way out of this complicated political chess game. However, they didn’t know that Reina’s plan had already been anticipated by sorrell and set a more dangerous trap.

Reina, cassius and Liana return to their homes, facing severe choices. They decided not to give in to sorrell’s orders, because it was unacceptable for them to betray their values and friends. They need to find a way to escape from empire of the sun and continue to pursue the dream of truth and freedom.

Reina’s plan began at nightfall. They will leave their homes quietly, cross the busy streets of the city and move in the direction of the imperial border. This is a dangerous adventure, full of unknowns and hidden dangers, but they can’t stop moving forward. They all know that this is their only choice.

However, in Reina’s mind, a more evil plan is brewing. He went to the pantry alone and mixed some asphyxiant into cassius and Liana’s food. This asphyxiant can temporarily lose vital signs, but it is not fatal. Reina feels painful and contradictory about this, but he believes that this is the only way, at least in a short time.

When night falls, cassius and Liana have fallen asleep. Reina woke them up softly and told them the details of the plan. Although cassius and Liana are full of expectations for the idea of escaping from empire of the sun, they also realize that it is a dangerous adventure.

Reina quietly opened the door, and the three left the residence and began their escape journey. They bypassed the street and avoided the patrolling soldiers, minimizing the chance of being found. Every step is full of tension and anxiety, and they are always vigilant, just in case.

However, just as they were leaving the main city of empire of the sun, Reina’s plan began to unfold. He put cassius and Liana’s asphyxiant into effect, and they temporarily lost their vital signs, becoming like a coma. Reina put their bodies on their shoulders and moved on.

When Reina returned to the main city of empire of the sun, he brought the bodies of cassius and Liana to sorrell. When sorrell saw this, his expression was full of surprise and doubt. He asked, “Leon, what’s going on?”

Reina’s expression was serious and firm: “I decided to come back to you and accept my fate as your son.” In order to show my determination, I have killed my companion. “

Sorrell’s face showed mixed feelings. He felt Reina’s change and was happy with his son’s decision. He thinks that his plan has finally succeeded and his son has finally returned to him.

“Leon, I’m proud of you.” Sorrell’s voice was appreciative. He held out his hand and patted Reina on the shoulder.

Reina bent down, cassius and Liana’s body gently on the ground. His heart is full of contradictions and pains, but he knows that this is his only choice, at least at this stage.

Sorrell ordered Draco to be temporarily placed under house arrest to calm Reina’s anger. He decided to personally handle Reina’s affairs and prepare a grand return ceremony for his son. He asked Sefila to get rid of the bodies of cassius and Liana, which eliminated the root of the problem.

On the surface, everything seems to be what sorrell wants. However, no one realized that behind the scenes, Reina’s plan had already been set, and a more dangerous plot was brewing, which would affect the future of empire of the sun.

In Reina’s plan, cassius and Liana have been placed under house arrest in a secret room, bound by the inability to move freely. Nevertheless, they didn’t despair, because they firmly believed that Reina wouldn’t betray them, and something they didn’t know must happen.

At the same time, sorrell held a grand banquet for Reina and introduced him to many royal nobles in empire of the sun. At the banquet, everyone saluted Reina and admitted his status as a prince. Reina smiled, although his heart was very contradictory, but he knew it was for a bigger plan, in order to protect Cassius, Liana and himself.

And cassius and Liana finally woke up from the coma after a period of time. They found themselves under house arrest in a strange room, and they couldn’t get rid of their limitations. The light outside the room reflected on the floor through the window, which was very quiet.

“We woke up. What is this place?” Cassius looked around doubtfully.

Liana tried to recall: “I remember that we were brought to empire of the sun by Reina, but things became blurred afterwards.”

Just then, Sefila came into the room. There was a hint of apology on her face: “I’m sorry, I have to do this. Reina has his plan and I must follow his instructions. “

Cassius frowned. “What’s Reina doing? How can he betray us? “

Liana’s eyes were full of doubts: “We need to know the truth. We want to see Reina.”

Sefila took a deep breath and said, “I know how you feel. Reina has returned to sorrell and claimed to give up his freedom and become a part of the empire. “

Cassius and Liana expressed disbelief, and they firmly believed that Reina would not make such a decision. Cassius said firmly, “We have to ask Reina face to face and find out what happened.”

Sephora nodded: “I will convey your request to Reina.”

At the banquet in sorrell, the atmosphere was warm and the wine was fragrant. Everyone is talking with Reina to show their respect and welcome. However, Reina’s heart is as heavy as lead. He knows that all this is temporary, and he needs to continue to play this role until the truth comes out.