Chapter 8

Time of Crisis

The main city of empire of the sun is towering into the sky, standing in the magnificent scenery. It is a busy and gorgeous area, and huge buildings and shining palaces constitute the symbol of imperial power. However, the city also hides countless unknown secrets, and one of the most mysterious existence is Draco.

Draco, a man with extraordinary ability, has a unique ability since he was a teenager, which enables him to have special ties with those with whom he has established deep emotional ties. Whenever he establishes a deep bond with someone, he can feel their emotions and even explore some thoughts in their hearts. This ability was acquired by him at an accidental moment when he accidentally touched a seemingly ancient relic. The acquisition of this ability changed his life and made him a special figure in the empire.

However, this ability is not without cost. With the perception of emotions and thoughts, Draco also bears more pain. He can feel others’ dissatisfaction, betrayal and even malicious intentions, which makes him too suspicious and afraid. His heart has long been covered with trauma, but he always hides it with a strong and calm appearance.

Just when he felt it in the imperial palace, his “resonance” ability was triggered again. This time, he felt a special existence. He can feel the emotional ripple of this man, who is about to enter the field of empire of the sun. This man is Reina, who is coming to this city with an unpredictable fate.

Draco felt all this, but also felt his inner shock. His hunch told him that Reina’s arrival would trigger an unpredictable event, an event that would affect the fate of the whole universe. He knew that he should be prepared not only for Reina, but also for the changes he brought.

So Draco decided to secretly assemble more forces to meet the upcoming challenges. He doesn’t want anyone to know his plan, especially those who have emotional connection with him, because he knows that this connection will make them his weakness. He began to contact those loyal to him within the empire, organized a powerful action team, and prepared to intercept Reina before he arrived. He knows that this is a dangerous gamble, but he believes that only in this way can empire of the sun’s future be protected.

In addition to his action team, Draco also decided to use his resonance ability to include a special candidate in his plan. This candidate is Sefila, the general of the Zhirou clan in empire of the sun. Her unique appearance perfectly combines the lion’s lower body with the human’s upper body, and her golden mane is in sharp contrast with smooth skin. Her green eyes are full of wisdom. She wears empire of the sun’s golden armor and carries a spear. Sefila is the pride of Zhiwen people, and she is extremely loyal to empire of the sun. She is not only brave and courageous, but also has a calm strategic mind and can always find the enemy’s weakness on the battlefield. She has deep feelings for her family and people, which makes her hesitate in the face of conflicts of family interests.

However, Draco is not only loyal to Sefila because of her ability. He knew that there was a distant blood relationship between Sephora and Reina. Although Reina doesn’t know this, at the critical moment, this blood relationship may become a bridge between the two sides. Draco decided to keep the secret in his heart until the time was right.

Dracos deceived Sefira and sent false information, claiming that Reina’s team was sent by Xinghai Rangers to assassinate sorrell, and they had to be intercepted before they arrived. Sefila agreed on the surface, but with doubts in her heart, she decided to know the situation before making a decision.

They met Reina’s team on the planet “Crown of Hard Rock” in the Crown of Hard Rock galaxy and had a fierce exchange of fire. After a long battle, Reina’s team was suppressed. In the end, their spaceship was shot down by Draco’s fleet and crashed on the rugged surface of the hard rock crown planet.

When he was seriously injured and about to fail, Reina managed to mumble a key phrase: “I am Alion.” Although this sentence is vague, it is still heard by nearby Sephora. In an instant, her world changed. Instinct drove her to act quickly.

Sephora stepped out of her hiding place and stood between Draco and Reina’s team. She raised her weapon and said firmly, “Stop, Draco. Explain. ” Her eyes, usually full of wisdom, are now full of concern and determination. Dracos was surprised by Sephora’s intervention. He didn’t expect her to do so.

For a moment, the tense atmosphere filled the air. Draco’s elaborate plan began to collapse in the face of Sephora’s firm determination. He realized that he had underestimated her, especially her loyalty to empire of the sun and her firm commitment to the truth.

When their eyes met, Draco knew he had to be careful. He has gone too far, and the woven lies have begun to surround him closely. Sephora demands answers, and Draco feels pressure. He must reveal the truth or weave more lies to protect his intentions.

Sephora’s sharp eyes penetrated Draco’s defense and demanded honesty. Her loyalty and sense of mission to empire of the sun left her no room for half-truths or evasions. Draco weighed the options and realized that his once solid plan was now in crisis. He also understands that although there may be risks, the truth may be the key to winning Sefila’s support and revealing the deception of complex networks.

Taking a deep breath, Draco hesitated and finally began to speak, with a hint of frustration and obedience in his voice. “The information I provided about Reina’s team being sent to assassinate sorrell … is fabricated.” He stared at Sephora’s face, which was mixed with many emotions.

Sefila’s grip on the weapon in her hand was slightly relaxed, and the sense of doubt was released, but it was a kind of relief and curiosity. She narrowed her eyes and waited for his explanation. Her voice was firm, but she also felt a little betrayed: “Then why? Why did you lie to me and get me involved? “

Draco’s eyes met Sefila’s, and his expression was tired but full of determination. He began to describe the events that led him to this dangerous road, and how he regarded Reina’s arrival as a precursor to change and uncertainty. He explained that he thought it was necessary to intercept Reina’s team to ensure the future of the empire, even if it meant weaving layers of lies.

Sephora listened attentively. As she began to understand the complexity of the situation, she could feel Draco’s inner struggle, sandwiched between her loyalty to the empire and her personal belief. The truth behind his actions was obvious to her.

Draco ended his explanation with a hint of regret in his voice. He looked at Sephora, waiting for her response, not sure how she would react to the truth he revealed. The tension in the air can be felt, and their mission, loyalty and the fate of the empire itself are all up in the air at this critical moment.

Sephora’s eyes are still locked on Draco, and her eyes reflect her inner conflict. She thought about his words, the impact of his actions and the truth he shared. Finally, she spoke, her voice mixed with understanding and determination: “We can’t build the future of the empire on the basis of lies, Draco. We must find another way to go this way. “

Draco nodded and acknowledged her words. He knows that the lies he has made have formed a complicated situation, and the only way to move forward is to solve it, no matter how many challenges it brings. The moment when his deception was revealed marked a turning point, a moment to unveil a lie that threatened to devour them all.

Sefila’s decision to defend the truth and protect the integrity of the empire is a beacon of hope. The future is still uncertain, but at this moment of revelation and doubt, a spark of unity appears, suggesting the possibility of establishing a new alliance between unlikely allies.

Sephora’s action not only stopped Draco’s fatal intention, but also won Reina a a short chance. She eagerly took Reina to her spaceship and announced her intention to bring him and his companions back to empire of the sun for trial.

Under the guidance of Sephora, Reina, cassius and Liana boarded the spaceship, exhausted, but filled with unspeakable complex emotions. They were taken to the cabin of the ship by Sefila to rest and recover. Inside the spaceship, Reina felt the warmth and care of Sephora, which gave him a new view of empire of the sun.

As the spacecraft left the rocky surface of the hard rock crown planet, Draco’s eyes were filled with anger that could not be resolved. He stared at the direction of the spaceship’s departure. His plan had completely failed, his tactics had been solved, and his former advantages had collapsed in an instant. He realized that Sephora’s actions not only saved Reina’s life, but also opened a new chapter for their intertwined fate.

Inside the spaceship, Reina and Sephora started a dialogue. Reina asked her why she changed her mind and why she wanted to protect them. Sefila replied in a frank voice: “Because I believe that in any case, we can’t take lies and betrayal as the cornerstone of the future. Empire of the sun needs truth and justice, not rule based on deception. “

Reina was silent, and he deeply understood the profound meaning of Sephora’s words. He used to be skeptical about empire of the sun, but now he begins to think that there may still be some loyal people who are willing to fight for the right thing, not for power and lies.

Under the guidance of Sephora, the spacecraft left the planet of the crown of hard rock, and Draco was filled with undigested anger and regret. He can’t ignore his own failure and how quickly his former advantage collapsed in the face of Reina. Sephora’s action not only saved Reina’s life, but also wrote a new page for their tangled fate.

The spacecraft crossed the star field of empire of the sun, passing through gorgeous galaxies and colorful planets. Reina is lying in bed, although his body is still injured, but his consciousness is full of new determination. His thoughts returned to his mission and to the identity he was about to reveal. He knows that the journey ahead is full of danger and uncertainty, but he firmly believes that it is the only way to uncover the truth.

He has been looking for answers, looking for secrets about his life and empire of the sun. Now, he knows that he is coming to the core of the empire, where there are key clues waiting for him. With the spacecraft approaching the main city, Reina’s mood is complicated, and he can feel that the whole universe seems to be looking forward to his arrival.

As the spacecraft approached the main city, Reina began to think about how he would reveal his true identity. He knew that his arrival would cause an uproar, not only because of his existence, but also because of the changes he brought. He thought of the emperor empire of the sun, who was full of power and tactics. He knew that his truth might have a great influence on the pattern of the whole universe.

However, at this critical moment, Reina is not alone. He was surrounded by Sefira, an unexpected ally, a person with whom he was related by blood. Although Reina didn’t know the relationship between them, the existence of Sephora brought him some inexplicable comfort. She is a trustworthy ally, a person willing to fight for justice and truth.

Sefila is not only a wise general, but also a woman full of wisdom and courage. Her presence shows Reina that empire of the sun still has the power of kindness and justice. Perhaps they can unite and seek change together to lead the empire to a more just and balanced future.

With the spacecraft cross star, Reina’s injury gradually recovered, but his determination became more firm. He knows that the road ahead is full of difficulties, but he also believes that his arrival will bring new possibilities to empire of the sun. He will face not only the rulers of empire of the sun, but also those who cling to justice and truth, and they will also become his allies and supporters.

As the spacecraft gets closer and closer to the main city, Reina’s heart is full of expectation and tension. He knew that the truth he was about to reveal might subvert everything and change the fate of the whole universe. However, he is no longer alone. He has a powerful ally, Sefila. Together, they will move towards the unknown future and bring a new chapter to empire of the sun.