Chapter 2

Interstellar Interlacing

Reina drove an invisible spaceship, crossed the darkness of the universe, and cautiously approached the port of no return. Although this place is located in the marginal star domain, it is the stronghold of interstellar pirates and the gathering place of vagrants, criminals, fugitives and adventurers mixed with various races. It is called “no return to Hong Kong” because people who come here rarely go back to their homes.

Although empire of the sun has a powerful force, it is not dominant in this marginal star field. Pirates who do not return to Hong Kong have their own rules and order and are not under the jurisdiction of empire of the sun. This is a dangerous and full of opportunities, where all kinds of transactions, gambling, theft and activities are frequently staged.

Reina’s spaceship quietly flew past the bases of interstellar pirates, and he felt the tension around him. Not returning to Hong Kong is chaotic, but it is not without rules. Power struggles and uneven distribution of stolen goods among pirates occur from time to time, but they all know that a certain balance can survive in this place.

As the spacecraft approached, Reina began to collect information, trying to find clues about empire of the sun. After some probing, he learned that the pirates here knew something about empire of the sun’s activities, but the information was not easy to obtain. These pirates sometimes get information from outposts, merchant ships or spies in empire of the sun, and then exchange them for sale in the port of no return.

As night falls, the lights that don’t return to Hong Kong set off the busy activities of interstellar pirates. Reina’s stealth ship temporarily stopped in a hidden corner, and he was thinking about the next plan. He knows that this place is full of dangers, but he has made up his mind not to be afraid of any challenge to trace the truth behind empire of the sun. However, he did not expect that he was about to cross paths with a pirate named cassius, which triggered a journey full of conflicts and cooperation.

Reina, with a firm determination, went deep into the streets that did not return to Hong Kong. In this interstellar pirate gathering place full of all kinds of people, he found a shabby pub. Although its name is humble, it is the only place where he can provide the information he needs in this place full of lies and hidden agendas.

He pushed open the door of the pub and was greeted by all kinds of exotic smells and low conversations. The owner of the pub is a middle-aged man, whose face has experienced the baptism of years, but his eyes reveal an experienced profundity. Reina sat in front of the bar, ordered a drink, and then began to communicate with the boss.

“I heard that you are a traveler seeking information,” the boss said gently. “What information do you want in this place?”

Reina didn’t hide his purpose. He revealed his investigation of empire of the sun to his boss, and he suspected that there was a bigger conspiracy behind it. The boss listened quietly and then nodded.

“There are many people talking about empire of the sun, but to get more information, you need to find someone,” said the boss, with a thoughtful look in his eyes. “His name is cassius, a pirate who once had a reputation here. He seems to know some secrets about empire of the sun. But his situation is not optimistic now, because he has clashed with other pirates, and this place is unforgiving. “

Reina’s heart moves, which seems to be the key clue he pursues. He asked urgently, “Do you know where he is?”

The boss shook his head slightly. “At present, he is in a place called Dawn Hotel, which is a secret corner that does not return to Hong Kong. But I must warn you that the situation there is not optimistic. Cassius used to be a hero, but his behavior made him a thorn in the side of mainstream pirates. “

Reina frowned, understand cassius’s situation is very dangerous. Most pirates who don’t return to Hong Kong are driven by interests, and they seldom care about justice or morality. However, he also knows that cassius may be his only chance to seek the truth.

“I need to find him,” Reina said firmly. “I believe he has key information and hopes it can help me uncover empire of the sun’s plot.”

The boss nodded silently and handed Reina a a note with the words “Dawn Hotel” written on it. Reina took the note, took a deep breath and prepared to embark on a new journey.

That night, Reina learned that cassius would participate in a black market transaction in a shabby hotel, which was his chance to get news of cassius and a key step towards his revenge.

Reina came to the hotel quietly, its appearance was shabby, but there were endless plots hidden. He watched in the dark, waiting for the arrival of cassius. Gradually, people began to gather in this shabby place, followed by chaotic transactions and unknown discussions.

When the transaction reached its climax, a group of armed pirates suddenly broke into the room like a storm. They growled and accused cassius of doing evil and trying to take away his share. Obviously, the purpose of this group of pirates is not only to rob property, but also to show their hatred for cassius.

Reina immediately alert, he knew that this is not an ordinary trading scene. The smell of danger filled the room, and he felt that he was involved in a dispute that he had not expected beforehand. As a Xinghai Ranger, he is no stranger to dealing with similar situations. He clutched the dagger in the star field and was ready to deal with emergencies at any time.

The scuffle broke out in an instant, and the room was filled with the smell of steel and blood. Reina reacted quickly, dodged a pirate’s raid, and then fought back with his sword. His training and practical experience enabled him to effectively confront these sudden threats.

On the other side of the battle, cassius also showed amazing strength. His skill is vigorous, and every shot is like a precise knife, repelling pirates who try to get close. However, cassius seems to have reservations. He did not do his best, but responded to these enemies in a restrained way.

The pirates’ offensive became more and more fierce, and the furnishings in the room were ravaged. Reina and cassius’s eyes met in the battle, and they seemed to have a tacit understanding with each other. During a short interval, cassius threw a smile at Reina, signaling him to seize this opportunity to leave.

Without thinking, with the help of a pirate’s attack, Reina quickly retreated and rushed out of the room. In the dark night, he quickly hid in the shadows, and his heart was still beating rapidly. He has no time to stay. He must leave the center of the battle and seek another opportunity.

The aftermath of the battle gradually dispersed, and the shabby room was filled with a strong smell of smoke. Reina and cassius were relieved almost at the same time, and their eyes crossed, revealing a trace of appreciate each other’s emotion.

Cassius stood in the corner of the room, and his eyes were both determined and worried. Reina’s attention was involuntarily attracted by him, and he felt an unusual smell in cassius.

With the end of the battle, the night seems to be more silent. Reina took a firm step towards cassius and seemed to find some resonance in him.

“Your ability is quite special.” Reina said concisely, staring at cassius with deep eyes.

Cassius nodded slightly, eyes flashing with complex emotions. He took a deep breath and suddenly smiled, as if laughing at himself.

“This ability used to be my pride in the Crystal Alliance, but it also became the reason for my exile.” Cassius’s voice is a little deep, and his eyes are staring at the distance, as if remembering the past.

Reina was slightly taken aback. I didn’t expect cassius to have such a background. He naturally knows what the Crystal Alliance is. It is an organization dedicated to maintaining interstellar peace. It once had a lofty mission and many heroes.

“Why is your superpower blocked?” Reina asked curiously.

Cassius sighed lightly, and a trace of pain appeared on his face. “I once disobeyed the orders of my superiors and killed a wanted man who did evil. The wanted man was preparing to kill an innocent family. I made a decision at that time to protect the family, but it also violated the military regulations. “

Cassius’s voice with some deep feeling, as if that moment is still in front of his eyes. Reina understands that this is a choice full of justice and conscience, but it violates the regulations of the organization.

“As a result, I was forcibly injected with drugs, blocked my powers, and then exiled to the universe.” Cassius said, and there seems to be some helplessness between his eyes.

Reina was silent for a moment, filled with respect for cassius. He knew that the choice at that moment was not simple, but it showed cassius’s justice and courage.

“I have to fight the mainstream interstellar pirates to protect those weak and innocent in this universe that does not return to Hong Kong.” Cassius’s tone is firm, and his eyes reveal a determined light.

Reina looked at cassius deeply. He felt the inner world of the pirate, and a kind of resonance arose. It suddenly occurred to him that perhaps cassius was the key to his search for the truth about empire of the sun.

Reina’s eyes were fixed on cassius, and he said without hesitation, “I have a plan, a plan to trace the truth about empire of the sun. I need your help, cassius. “

Cassius slightly one leng, he raised his head and looked Reina in the eye. He saw the determination and enthusiasm in Reina’s eyes, as if he had seen his own shadow.

“I will help you.” Although cassius’s voice is calm, it is full of firmness. “But on one condition, I need to restore my super power.”

Reina nodded in agreement, knowing it was a fair request. Their conversation seems to have brought each other closer in an instant and created a tacit understanding of common pursuit of justice.

Two people standing in the shabby room, the background is the night that does not return to Hong Kong. From this moment on, they became allies and embarked on the road to empire of the sun together. Unknown adventures await them, but they are ready to face them with courage and friendship. This unexpected meeting became the starting point of their relationship and added new strength to the oath of revenge.