Chapter 10

Reina's Revenge

After the banquet, the atmosphere seemed heavy and dignified. Reina knew that at the moment he was facing the old emperor of empire of the sun, sorrell. However, Reina is not afraid at this moment. His heart has long been firm and determined to expose the truth and seek justice for those victims.

Reina’s eyes fixed firmly on sorrell, and he spoke without hesitation: “sorrell, I have seen the memory of the eye of time and revealed everything. Your crimes have nowhere to hide. “

Sorrell’s face changed slightly, and his eyes flashed with consternation, but soon his face was calm again. He looked at Reina with deep eyes, as if trying to find an exit and explain himself.

Reina did not flinch. He continued: “You are the mastermind behind the scenes. In order to seize the throne, you personally killed your brother. You used his death to qualify as the first heir of empire of the sun. “

These words exploded in the room like a blockbuster. The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became heavy and tense, waiting for his response.

Sorrell’s expression became more complicated, and anger and anxiety were intertwined in his eyes. He finally spoke, his voice trembling slightly: “Leon, what you said is all nonsense!” “

However, Reina was not intimidated. He no longer tolerated sorrell’s disguise: “The eye of time does not lie. That is the truth of history and cannot be changed.”

Reina went on to reveal a more shocking scene: “What is even more shameful is that after you killed your brother, you also took his wife. She is pregnant, and that child is me, Leon. Do you think you can cover up the truth by such means? “

Sorrell’s face was as white as a sheet, and his lips trembled as if he were awkward. He can no longer escape Reina’s questioning and the truth revealed by the eye of time.

Reina relentlessly continued: “Your deception ends here, sorrell. I am here not only for my father, but also for all the people you have hurt, for the innocent people who have been victimized by your conspiracy. “

The atmosphere in the room became too tense to breathe. Sorrell’s lips trembled slightly, and his voice was almost hoarse: “Leon, you don’t understand …”

Reina interrupted him mercilessly: “I know enough, enough.” Now, you must take responsibility for your crimes. “

This is Reina’s firm voice, his commitment to justice, and his voice for all those who have suffered. At this critical moment, Reina revealed the truth to the public with his own courage and determination. No matter how sorrell escaped, he could no longer cover up those evil shadows.

Reina’s eyes were ablaze with anger. He faced sorrell, and his heart became more determined. The sinner must pay for what he did.

Reina did not hesitate to attack sorrell. The air in the room seemed to be dignified because of their engagement. Reina’s every move and gesture is the embodiment of his determination and his deep anger towards those victims. He is not only for himself, but also for all the people in the universe who were hurt by sorrell.

“Your sins cannot be forgiven!” Reina’s voice was full of anger and determination, and his offensive became more and more fierce.

Sorrell is not an idle person. Although he faced his son’s attack, he didn’t flinch. His posture is vigorous and flexible, and he has the bearing of the emperor. He tried to suppress Reina with his own strength, so that he could not continue to attack.

The engagement between the two men is like a silent battle, and every encounter is a contest of strength and will. Reina’s heart is burning with hatred for his father and the pursuit of justice. He is determined not to let sorrell escape and let him continue to do evil.

“Do you think you can change anything?” There was a hint of sarcasm in sorrell’s voice. “No matter what you do, I am already the master of this universe.”

Reina’s eyes flashed with a firm light: “The universe is not yours alone, and your evil will not continue to spread.”

As the battle continued, Reina’s offensive gradually became more fierce, and he relentlessly showed sorrell one deadly trick after another. The anger and hatred in him drove him and filled him with infinite power.

Although sorrell, as the emperor of empire of the sun, had great strength, he felt unprecedented pressure at the moment. Reina’s strength and determination seemed to make him feel weak and guilty. He knows that no matter what, he can’t escape, and his evil behavior is about to pay the price.

With Reina’s determination, the fierce battle finally reached its climax. He faced sorrell without fear and revealed his crimes without mercy. Time seems to freeze at this moment, and the universe seems to stop for this decisive moment.

Reina’s every attack is a cry for justice, and his every move carries revenge on the victims. No matter how powerful sorrell was, he couldn’t stop Reina’s determination. He was defeated and fell to the ground, unable to make a comeback.

Your evil reign is over, sorrell. Reina’s voice was filled with the joy of victory, and he knew that he had finally completed his mission.

Sorrell’s expression is changeable, anger, fear and helplessness, and all emotions are intertwined on his face. In the end, he couldn’t escape his crime. His plot was exposed by Reina one by one, and his evil behavior was put to an end.

Under Reina’s accusation, sorrell fell into an abyss where he could not extricate himself. He realized that his rule was over and he would pay for his crimes before he died.

Victory tastes so sweet, however, Reina knows that this is only the beginning. He left sorrell’s room, filled with the satisfaction of revenge, and finally got justice for his biological father and adoptive father.

He found Sephora and confessed his bigger plan to her. He decided to bring Draco to the scene and blame him for sorrell’s death. All this is to achieve his greater goal and bring lasting peace and justice to the universe.

Sefila listened to Reina’s plan and showed her admiration for him. She knew that Reina was not only a brave warrior, but also a visionary leader. She agreed to help him, provide him with support and help him realize his plan.

Reina realized that the road ahead of him was still long and full of difficulties and challenges. But he has taken the first step. He has avenged his biological father and adoptive father, and brought a new hope to the universe.

He knows that although sorrell has fallen, evil has not been completely eradicated. His mission is not over yet. He will continue to fight, strive for the peace of the universe, continue to walk on the road of justice, seek justice for all victims and create a better future.