Chapter 4

Ancient Prophecy

In a dark corner, there is a tense atmosphere under the night. Reina and cassius acted tacitly and gradually approached the secret warehouse of the Security Bureau. Their target is a confidential document, which may carry empire of the sun The Secret Behind. The two men were careful not to attract unnecessary attention.

However, just as they approached the target, a red flame flashed in the dark. Coming out of the shadow is a petite woman, whose appearance is as dazzling as a flame. Her skin is reddish, her eyes are crimson, and her hair is like a flame. Wearing red and gold robes, the patterns on the robes flow like flames.

Reina and cassius’s eyes flashed vigilance. They recognized her as the Red Plague, a member of the Crystal Alliance, who was good at manipulating flames. However, the appearance of this red plague has aroused their doubts.

“You two, stop!” The woman’s voice is calm and firm, and her eyes sparkle with challenge. She has noticed their actions and is obviously interested in this confidential document. This sudden situation caught them off guard.

Reina clenched his weapon and thought about the strategy. At the same time, cassius staring at the red plague, can feel her powerful flame energy. In spite of this, cassius did not let his guard down.

“We’re just here to get information, and we won’t pose a threat to you.” Reina tried to stay calm and convey that their purpose was not bad for the red plague victims.

However, the red plague sufferer did not relax, her eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and the flames around her seemed to burn even more brightly. “This confidential document is related to Crystal Alliance, so you should not interfere.”

The atmosphere is tense to the extreme Reina and cassius are in a stand-off with the red plague victims, and the situation is explosive. In this dark corner, the spark between the three people becomes more and more vivid in the night.

At this moment, the situation suddenly changed subtly. Reina noticed a slight shock in the body of the red plague victim, and her eyes became confused, as if lost in some kind of thinking. When she refocused, she looked at Reina and cassius, and the light in her eyes seemed to soften a little.

“Will you listen to me?” Her voice is not as cold as before, but full of sincerity. The confrontation between the three people was alleviated at this moment, as if new possibilities were unfolding in front of them.

As the sparkly confrontation gradually subsided, the three men each folded up their offensive. Reina, cassius and Liana fell into a short silence in the dark corner of the Security Bureau, and their eyes crossed, revealing complex emotions. At that tense moment, someone needed to take the first step to resolve the misunderstanding.

“I’m cassius,” cassius finally broke the silence, and a frank voice spread in the air. He looked at Reina and continued, “I once had a history with Liana, but now we are all pursuing the same goal.”

Reina and Liana both turned their attention to cassius and welcomed his confession. Liana’s eyes sparkled with fire, as if with a hint of elusive emotion. “Yes,” her voice was firm and deep. “I’m Liana, the red plague victim. I am pursuing this confidential document for the Crystal Alliance, because the power contained in it is related to the balance of the interstellar universe. “

Reina nodded, and understanding began to emerge. Although they were almost hostile before, now they all face the same danger and share the same goal. There seems to be a new tacit understanding in this silent space.

“Since our goals are the same,” Reina began, “we have no reason to continue to oppose each other. In my opinion, we should put aside our differences for the time being and work together to steal confidential documents. This will not only increase our chances of success, but also make us more calm in the face of the high defense of the Security Bureau. “

Cassius and Liana exchanged glances, as if conveying information in silence. Finally, cassius nodded, and Liana smiled and agreed. The decision of the three of them seems to be guided by an invisible tacit understanding, just as fate began to closely link them at this moment.

With the decision reached, the atmosphere became more harmonious. They began to share their information, integrate clues and prepare for the next action. Everyone is giving full play to their own strengths and contributing to the whole plan.

The breakthrough of cooperation is not only a consensus on the goal, but also a kind of trust between them.

Confidential documents quietly spread out in front of the three people, accompanied by a faint light, reflecting mysterious words. Reina, cassius and Liana stared at the document quietly, knowing that it might contain important clues about the identities of empire of the sun and Reina.

The text of the guide seems to be jumping on the paper, and the ancient atmosphere is spreading. They describe a relic on the edge of the interstellar system, which is called the “Eye of the Stars”. The name itself is full of mystery, as if indicating that there are endless secrets and mysteries hidden in it. The guide claims that this relic is a place connecting the past and the future, which may reveal the origin of empire of the sun and the clues of Reina’s true identity.

“This passage is full of ancient wisdom and seems to be some kind of omen.” Liana’s voice was full of excitement, and her eyes sparkled with flames. “Eye of the Stars” sounds really mysterious and fascinating. Maybe there really is an answer waiting for us to find out. “

Reina’s brow wrinkled slightly, and he gently stroked the words on the guide with his fingers. “This relic may carry important information about empire of the sun and my life. We should go there and find the truth. “

Cassius nodded silently, his eyes on the guide. “We need to act as soon as possible, empire of the sun’s plot is threatening the entire interstellar system. If we can get the key clues from the eye of the stars, maybe we can stop their plans. “

The three reached an agreement, and they decided to go to the eye of the stars immediately to find the ancient ruins. However, they also know that this will not be an easy journey. The eye of the stars is located at the edge of the interstellar system, full of unknown dangers and challenges. But their determination is indestructible. They know that only by solving the mystery and revealing the truth can empire of the sun’s plot be stopped and interstellar peace be protected.

After finishing the equipment and preparation, they immediately embarked on a journey to the eye of the stars. This ancient relic is waiting for their arrival. Perhaps there, they can find clues about the identities of empire of the sun and Reina, paving the way for the future of interstellar space. This unknown journey is full of challenges and expectations, and their determination will be their strength to move forward in the unknown.

Reina, cassius and Liana came to the ancient ruins referred to in the guide, and they couldn’t help thinking about the ancient buildings and mysterious atmosphere. In this relic, they found more historical clues about empire of the sun and clues related to Reina’s life.

Walking into the interior of the ruins, they found a huge hall with a solemn stone tablet in the center. The stone tablet is engraved with mysterious words and patterns, which seems to tell the story of interstellar history.

Three people around the stone tablet, staring at the lines above. Cassius frowned, trying to make out the meaning of the words. “These symbols seem to tell an ancient history, about empire of the sun and more.”

Liana’s eyes sparkled with fire, and she gently touched the pattern on the stone tablet. “There are records about the rise and fall of empire of the sun, and some clues related to you.” She pointed to a pattern in which was a majestic prince.

Reina stared at the picture of the prince, and his heart could not help but feel ripples. He seems to feel some deep resonance, and seems to have some unspeakable connection with this prince. “This prince, his name is Alion.” Reina’s voice trembled, as if the name carried unspeakable emotions.

Cassius and Liana exchanged glances, as if sensing the meaning in Reina’s words. Cassius stared at him, eyes full of confusion. “Leon? This name seems very special. “

Liana’s eyes flashed a trace of doubt, but she didn’t continue to ask. Instead, she looked at Reina, her eyes full of expectation. “Leon, this name sounds full of mystery. Maybe it contains more things that we don’t know. “

Reina nodded slightly, but caused a stir in my heart. He knows that Liana’s intuition is not wrong, but at the moment he can’t fully show his identity. He is well aware of the complexity and danger, and needs more time to reveal all this.

“We should continue to explore this relic,” Reina changed the subject and tried to ease the tension in the atmosphere. “Maybe there are more clues waiting for us to discover.”

The three men nodded and refocused on the patterns and words on the stone tablet. Although Reina’s true identity has not been completely revealed, their exploration journey is carried out in this ancient relic. Every step will lead to more questions, and every clue will expand the mystery of this interstellar universe. They decided to move on, in order to uncover more truth, for interstellar peace and justice.