Chapter 3

The Shadow of empire of the sun

Reina and cassius stood on a towering rock, overlooking the vast interstellar space. There are countless stars twinkling in the night sky. They seem to be endless mysteries, waiting for them to uncover. At this quiet moment, they began to think about the possible connection between cassius’s father’s assassination and empire of the sun.

“cassius,” Reina’s voice was deep and firm, “I believe more and more that empire of the sun has something to do with your father’s death.”

Cassius nodded silently, and his eyes flashed a trace of pain. His father was once a member of Xinghai Ranger, an upright and brave man, but he was killed in that sudden attack. There are too many secrets hidden behind his death, and these secrets may be inextricably linked with empire of the sun.

“We can’t just sit back and wait,” cassius said with a heavy voice. “We must investigate deeply and find out the truth.”

Reina nodded in agreement. He knows that to solve this mystery, they need not only courage, but also enough information. They decided to start collecting information and follow various clues, trying to find out empire of the sun’s role in it.

The first step is to return to Hong Kong and communicate with some intelligence traders and black market forces. Cassius has some connections in pirate circles, and they hope to get some clues about empire of the sun from these people. As a result, they entered an underground information trading place, which was full of all kinds of information, from market conditions to political intrigues.

In the shadow of the trading place, they talked with an intelligence trader named Grivaud. Grivaud is a thin man, and his eyes are bright. His information is always accurate and expensive, but this time, Reina and cassius are willing to give everything to solve the mystery.

Empire of the sun?’ Grivaud has a deep voice. He looked around to make sure no one was eavesdropping. “This is no small matter. You must know that things involving empire of the sun often involve the fate of the star domain. “

Reina frowned. “You mean, empire of the sun’s influence is so great?”

Grivaud nodded, “it is. They have enormous military strength and resources, and no one can beat them. If they are related to the death of cassius’s father, then this will inevitably involve greater power disputes and secrets. “

Cassius’s fist is tighter, and his eyes are full of firmness. “We have to find out whether empire of the sun has something to do with cassius’s father’s death, and if so, we have to solve this mystery.”

Reina nodded, “yes, we need to do everything possible to get more information. No matter what the cost, we must find out the truth. “

They spent several hours in the trading place, and got some clues about empire of the sun. Although it was not enough, it was an important step for them. When they left the trading place, the sky had gradually brightened up, and the morning light shone on them like a ray of hope.

Reina and cassius learned that empire of the sun had close ties with some black market forces who did not return to Hong Kong, and they obtained huge resources through illegal transactions, which made them more convinced that empire of the sun might be related to cassius’s father’s assassination. In order to have a deeper understanding of empire of the sun’s actions, they decided to further explore the black market and seek more information about empire of the sun.

Late at night, Reina and cassius sneaked into a dark underground trading place. This place is hidden in an abandoned industrial building, and only those who are familiar with the secret passage can find it. As their footsteps get closer and closer, through the dilapidated door, a dim corridor is greeted, accompanied by faint lights.

They crossed the intricate corridor and finally came to the trading hall. This is a wide underground space, divided into various small areas by various compartments and curtains. Here, people of different races rush through, and every corner is filled with a strange atmosphere.

Reina and cassius stood in the shadows and began to observe the trading place. In a compartment, a group of unidentified people are trading, and various weapons, technological devices and mysterious crystals are placed on the table. It seems that these items are all from various galaxies and are valuable.

In another corner, a woman with bright armor is talking to a mysterious figure. Their language is full of hints and metaphors, and it seems that they are discussing an important transaction. The atmosphere in the compartment is tense and full of expectations.

Suddenly, a seemingly insignificant small box became the focus. Two mysterious traders focused their attention on it, as if this small box contained some precious items. Reina and cassius exchanged glances, and they both felt that the deal was unusual.

With the negotiation, the small box was opened, revealing a shimmering crystal. The light from that crystal seems to bear the mystery of the universe. All the people present held their breath in unison, knowing that it was a precious treasure.

With the completion of the transaction, an atmosphere of excitement spread. Reina and cassius, on the other hand, feel more determined, and they are convinced that empire of the sun has played an important role in this shady deal. This huge flow of resources cannot be unrelated to empire of the sun’s power.

When the transaction was over, Reina and cassius quickly left the trading place and returned to their hiding place. They were silent for a moment, then looked at each other, their eyes flashing with determination.

“This transaction proves the existence of empire of the sun,” Reina said with a deep and firm voice. “We must go deep into the empire, get more information, and find out the people and motives related to my father’s assassination.”

Cassius nodded, eyes flashing with the flames of battle. “No matter how big the risk is, we must uncover the truth. For my father’s sake and to expose empire of the sun’s plot, we can’t back down. “

In order to learn more about empire of the sun, Reina and cassius are ready to venture into it. They learned that to enter the main city of the empire, they must have a formal pass to avoid suspicion. Therefore, they carefully planned a plan to disguise their identity in order to get a pass.

After careful planning, they crossed the border of the empire as foreign businessmen. Their disguises include pseudonyms, fictional background stories and false trading purposes. These measures allowed them to pass the checkpoint during the security inspection and gain the opportunity to enter the main city of the empire.

Once inside the empire, Reina and cassius were shocked by what they saw. The main city is towering into the sky, majestic and magnificent, with magnificent buildings all over the city. The streets are wide and covered with gorgeous stone slabs, and people shuttle through them in gorgeous costumes, showing their reverence for the empire.

However, they soon discovered that the superficial prosperity of this huge galactic empire was only a thin veil. In the corner of the city, they happened to witness the other side of people’s lives. The slums are messy, the residents are sad, and the atmosphere of deprivation and oppression is everywhere.

Corruption and repression within the empire have gradually surfaced. Government officials live a luxurious life and enjoy the taste of power, while ordinary people are struggling under the increasingly serious gap between the rich and the poor. Speech is strictly controlled, voices of dissatisfaction with the government are suppressed, and people dare not express their opinions easily.

Reina and cassius realized that the situation inside the empire was more complicated than they had expected. Corrupt government and repressive atmosphere constitute an invisible threat, which hinders their investigation. However, they are not discouraged, but have strengthened their determination to find the truth.

They began to look for clues about cassius’s father’s assassination inside the empire. In a dangerous and lying environment, they come into contact with all kinds of characters and try to uncover the truth of this mystery. Every action is accompanied by danger, and they must be careful to avoid revealing their identities.

In the main city of empire of the sun, Reina and cassius are full of tension and vigilance. They gathered information in depth, trying to find clues about empire of the sun’s plan. However, they found that the city was full of dazzling sights and information, and many people and buildings made them feel like a speck of dust, submerged in the bustling ocean.

After several days’ investigation, they realized that they needed a more secret and in-depth approach to understand empire of the sun’s plan. In an accidental conversation, they learned about a secret information exchange point in an alley in the corner of the city.

So, on a silent night, Reina and cassius came to the information exchange point in this alley. It seems ordinary here, but it is actually an important transmission place of black market information. They carefully blended into the atmosphere of this alley and paid attention to the surrounding movements.

In a small room with dim light, they met a mysterious information exchanger. The man was wearing a black cloak and his face was covered by a headscarf, leaving only a pair of sharp eyes flashing in the darkness. Reina and cassius submitted some information. In exchange, they got a clue to a secret document.

This clue points to an underground secret organization called “Palace of Stars”. It is said that this organization is a resistance force within empire of the sun, and they are committed to exposing the conspiracy and corruption of the empire. Reina and cassius decided to go to the Palace of Stars, hoping to get more information about empire of the sun’s plan.

The Palace of Stars is hidden in an abandoned factory near the main city. When they came here, they found that the place was closely guarded. The guards at the entrance stared at them and asked about their purpose. Reina and cassius had to lie that they were new members with a “letter of recommendation”.

After some questioning and examination, they were allowed to enter the Palace of Stars. Here, they witnessed a secret meeting, in which members secretly exchanged information about empire of the sun. Reina and cassius noticed that the atmosphere here was full of tension and anxiety, and everyone’s eyes showed fear of the empire.

After the meeting, Reina and cassius approached an experienced member. They talked about their investigation and clues about the empire of the sun plan. The member seemed to have some trust in their sincerity and revealed more information.

He told them that the Palace of Stars recently obtained a confidential document from empire of the sun, which recorded the details of the plan. However, this document is closely monitored by the imperial security department and is almost inaccessible.

Reina and cassius feel that they are getting closer and closer to the truth, but they are also facing greater danger. They decided to take a chance and go into the security department in empire of the sun to look for the confidential document. After some thinking and planning, they are ready to launch this dangerous task, hoping to prevent the implementation of the empire of the sun Plan and protect the peace and stability of the interstellar space.