Sand Whisperers

Introduction: The Sand Whisperers originated from a desert planet called "Rock Planet". Rock Planet is a hot, dry planet covered in endless deserts. Despite the harsh conditions, Sand Whisperers have found a home in this vast sea of sand.


Culture & Customs: Sand Sculpture Art: Sand Whisperers embrace the arts, using their connection to the sand to create amazing sand sculptures. Worship of time: They believe that sand is the carrier of time, and each grain of sand records a moment in history. Therefore, they worship time and consider every moment of their life to be precious. Pacifism: On resource-poor planets, Sand Whisperers have learned to share and cooperate, and they rarely engage in war or conflict.


Culture & Customs: Sand Sculpture Art: Sand Whisperers embrace the arts, using their connection to the sand to create amazing sand sculptures. Worship of time: They believe that sand is the carrier of time, and each grain of sand records a moment in history. Therefore, they worship time and consider every moment of their life to be precious. Pacifism: On resource-poor planets, Sand Whisperers have learned to share and cooperate, and they rarely engage in war or conflict.

Technology and Construction: Sand Houses: Using special technology, they can solidify the sand to build a solid dwelling. Water Detector: A high-tech device capable of detecting water sources deep underground. Sandship: A huge vehicle that uses sand as propulsion and can move quickly across the desert.

The Sand Whisperers are a peaceful and hospitable race. They are willing to share their knowledge and resources with outsiders. Because of their unique abilities and worship of time, many interstellar travelers willingly communicate with the Sand Whisperers and learn their wisdom.